Project Settings - Design

Design window general screen settings

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This topic relates to deprecated functionality. Design window functions are now superseded by those found in 3D windows.


Design Settings

To access this dialog:

This section of the Project Settings dialog allows you to specify Design window-specific properties, and contains the following fields:

Field Details:


  • Enable automatic redraw: if checked, the Design window will be refreshed when data is unloaded or formatted.

  • Design Background Colour: select a Design window background color from the drop-down list (default 'Default').

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The background color of the Design window can be set using a scripted command. The parameter name is design-background-colour.

For example, to set the Design background colour to a new color from a script, you could use the following scripted command (after setting the design-background-colour parameter):  



Changing the color of theDesignwindow background may obscure certain overlay and grid data. To rectify this, amend the color of overlays usingFormat | Display, and change the grid color usingFormat | Gridfunctions.


You can also change the colour of the grid, which may be necessary after a background change. This is done using theFormat Grid screen, part of the Project Settings dialog.

  • Enable transparency: tick this check box to allow closed strings which have been filled and colored using a colored texture, to be displayed as transparent in the Design window (default 'unticked').

  • Use white fill background: when ticked, textured fills will have a white background (this is the default). When unticked, textured fills will have the same background colour as the Design window. This option is disabled if Enable transparency is ticked.

  openbook.gif (910 bytes)   Related Topics


The Project Settings dialog